Useful Resources
Useful Resources
We have a wealth of useful resources available on our website in the form of informative and insightful blogs. From practical tips to in-depth analysis, our blogs are designed to help you improve your knowledge and skills.
Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK)
USMLE Step 2 is massive nine hour long one day multiple choice question examination. It analyses medical graduate’s ability to apply Clinical Knowledge. The Step 2 examination assesses the ability of Medical graduate to apply clinical science knowledge to patient care...
USMLE – How should one approach?
Medical itself means you must tear off your comfort zone and make hard work your habit. Reaching the stage when USMLE comes in frame, shows your passion and dedication towards the future. Thousands of IMGs enter USA and Canada for the residency or with a dream of...
Aisle to the USA Medical Practice for the IMGs
Norms have getting tougher with passing time. New government in USA has already shown that not all who apply for medical residency will get visa. Let’s get things in chronology. Complete Medical graduation in a Medical School of your home country which appears in the...
5 Ways for IMGs to Interview Successfully for Residency
Residency application season is here! It is a time of great excitement, but also the source of a considerable amount of anxiety among applicants. Particularly, for International Medical Graduates (IMGs), preparing for residency interviews presents additional...